Good Health for Good Works
Support Successful and Sustainable Kingdom Service
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Support Successful and Sustainable Kingdom Service
Newsletter Articles Bank
These unique times present unique opportunities for Christians to serve and shine the light of Christ in difficult circumstances. But we need to remember that wherever the Spirit directs us to serve, our physical bodies will be a vehicle for that service or, at the very least, come along for the ride! To serve well in the middle of this crisis and in the aftermath, we will need our physical bodies to help, rather than hinder us, in our God-directed service. When we face a crisis or a big change, our daily routines get disrupted in every area of our life including the practice of good health habits. During these times, it is crucial that we maintain some degree of momentum in our daily health habits within the four key areas of health - Eat, Move, Cope & Rest. The temptation during difficult times like is to go into survival mode and bring the practice of good health routines to a halt until the crisis is past. Keeping our bodies fit for service is like a train on the railroad track. Getting a train back in motion and headed in the right direction after being stopped dead on the tracks is difficult, requiring a tremendous amount of time and energy. For this reason, maintaining momentum - however slow or small - is important! The same is true for the good health habits that we need to stay healthy and energized for effective and enduring ministry impact even during difficult seasons of life. If we bring the consistent practice of good health habits to a halt and abandon all routine, we will lose valuable energy. And restarting those routines will not be easy. Proverbs 24:33-34, reminds us that small behaviors can have big impacts: “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest – and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man.” Likewise, when we abandon our routines and settle into a lifestyle of a little less exercise, a little more unhealthy eating, a little less sleep, and a little more time on mindless activities, the negative impact on our ability to stay energized and equipped to step into action may be bigger than we think. Maintaining momentum - however slow or however small - with good health habits during this time of disruption is important for staying healthy and energized for the work that is ahead of us. During times of crisis or change, it is important to maintain some momentum with health habits as we focus on keeping our bodies fit for service so we can have a successful and sustained ministry impact!
What good health habits - however slow or small - will you commit to practicing in the weeks to come so you can serve well in these difficult times and beyond? Comments are closed.
Ginger Hill is a Christian wellness speaker, coach and consultant and the founder of Good Health for Good Works where she helps the earnest, but often exhausted, workers in Christian organizations to take steps toward healthier living so they can fulfill their organization's mission with energy, excellence and endurance. |